Ontario Corporation
It's a Canadian entity and comes with CRA business number and corporate tax ID (RC 0001).
The shareholders of an Ontario corporation can be non-resident individuals or corporations.
The corporation must file annual return and corporate tax return. The corporation has also an obligation of collecting HST, if gross annual sales volume reach $30,000.
An Ontario corporation holds high credibility value in terms of immigration, sponsorship or mortgage purposes.
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Ontario LLP
It's a Canadian entity and comes with CRA business number and corporate tax ID (RC 0001).
The shareholders of an Ontario corporation can be non-resident individuals or corporations.
The corporation must file annual return and corporate tax return. The corporation has also an obligation of collecting HST, if gross annual sales volume reach $30,000.
An Ontario corporation holds high credibility value in terms of immigration, sponsorship or mortgage purposes.
It's a Canadian entity and comes with CRA business number and corporate tax ID (RC 0001).
The shareholders of an Ontario corporation can be non-resident individuals or corporations.
The corporation must file annual return and corporate tax return. The corporation has also an obligation of collecting HST, if gross annual sales volume reach $30,000.
An Ontario corporation holds high credibility value in terms of immigration, sponsorship or mortgage purposes.